WeLiveTogether.com is a premium porn website enacting a popular fantasy of hot babes living together as roommates or being neighbors and eventually going horny for each other and fucking. Scenes usually begin under the premise of one girl being sad and distressed and needing comforting which quickly turns into hot and dirty lesbian sex, often times featuring three girls, sometimes even more. Girls are amazing with some of the biggest names of the industry appearing in their videos. They have quite a lot of clips considering they are a single genre premium site.
Some older videos are shot in SD but more than half stream in full HD and there are many downloadable galleries with high-resolution pictures. While subscribing gives you access to streaming all of their content, downloading requires a premium membership which costs more. Site is a part of a Reality Kings network so you gain access to a lot more when you register: Mikes Apartment, Round And Brown, GF Leaks for instance. Site is modern and responsive, navigating and browsing is easy as there is a basic search as well as different sorting options. If you like steamy lesbian sex while having access to much more, check them out.